"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
November 7, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end." Psalm 73:17
Why do we have such frustration over the many circumstances in life? We are perplexed by the actions and life-style of believers who profess to be devoted to the Lord. We become confused by issues, decisions within our church family, and many other circumstances we encounter. David had this problem as viewed in Psalm 73. He could not understand the prosperity of the wicked, their wealth and welfare, when their life-style was so averse to God. He even thought his efforts to follow God and to live godly was in vain. He said, "When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me." BUT then he said, "Till I entered the sanctuary of God; THEN I understood their final destiny."
We cannot understand the ways of man in relation to God. How can they fare so well and yet be so ungodly and abusive to themselves and others. We, as David, need to go into the sanctuary. You ask, "Where is the sanctuary of God?" It is where, with reverential fear and awe we bow with contrition of heart and brokenness of spirit, and through prayer MEET GOD! It need not be a church or home or any place in particular. It's when we come in child-like faith, lifting up our hearts to HIM...HE MEETS US WHERE WE ARE! What an incredible blessing HE has provided for us to enter into the "very presence of God."
But what happens when we meet God? In His presence, God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer. He gives us HIS perspective, and an understanding that HE is in control. He will cause us to lift our hearts in thanksgiving and praise as Paul--"Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ, and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him" (2 Corinthians 2:14). We "see through a glass darkly"...we "seek to know" from our finite reasoning...we endeavor to walk in the confines of our limited vision. God simply says, "Fix your eyes on Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2). When situations cause us great concern, we must realize, this "thing" is so strong I cannot handle it, it has come between me and God. THEN is when we need to meet God in the sanctuary. He will meet you and enable you to say with Paul, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). FOCUS ON CHRIST!
God has provided for our every need. "For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever" (Romans 11:36). Let us appropriate all HE has purchased for us. It is before His Throne of Grace, HE gives us the REALITY of His presence with us, the CONFIDENCE of His care for us, the ASSURANCE of His mighty power to us, and the KNOWLEDGE that HE is in control, still on the throne, and that HE LOVES US!
David said, "I sought the Lord...and HE heard me...and delivered me from ALL my fears" (Psalm 34:4). God said, "Call upon ME...and I will show you great and mighty things which you know not." Let God take control of every phase of your life..."casting all your care [anxiety, concern, worries, once and for all] on HIM, for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully" (1 Peter 5:7).
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-11-07
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