"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
August 1, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14
I have great respect for athletes who attain exceptionally high goals. It's thrilling to watch the Olympic Games and see athletes who trained for years to be the "best." They paid a tremendous price to train for their event which might only last 10 seconds, or a matter of minutes. The time, effort, dedication, and commitment for that one moment of glory is monumental. It takes a person with exceptional determination just to put themselves into such a regimen. You say, "Why do they do it?" One thing..."A PASSION TO EXCEL...TO BE THE BEST!"
Glenn Cunningham, as a child, was severely burned in both legs. He was in critical condition for some time, and the doctor told his mother he would be very fortunate to ever walk again. But this boy had a determination and made a commitment that was amazing to all who knew him. He not only achieved his goal to walk, but set even higher standards to run...and be the "best!" He entered track meets and won time and again. He dedicated himself to train for the Olympics. He persevered against all odds to achieve a goal, that in the natural, seemed impossible for a young man whose legs had been so severely burned. It was a goal beyond himself as he tried to be the "best." Finally, he stood tall on the platform at the Olympics, the winner of the GOLD MEDAL, THE BEST IN THE WORLD!
Wilma Rudolph was one of 16 children. As a child she contracted polio, and was sickly and restricted in her activities. Limited in resources, living in poor circumstances, she had very few privileges and opportunities other children had. But she was determined to show everyone that whatever privations they may have, those cannot defeat you if you have a will to win and "a PASSION TO EXCEL." She too exercised to build her frail body, began to run and compete with others. "Climbing the mountain", she too, entered the Olympics and achieved her "moment of glory" winning the GOLD METAL, THE BEST IN THE WORLD! She set a "standard of excellence" and pursued with committed perseverance. She overcame every obstacle along the way, and became a role model for every young black girl in America.
We, as believers, are also challenged in our spiritual journey to have "A PASSION TO EXCEL" in our commitment to Christ. Paul, the "idol" of his day before He met God, testifies that all of this world's achievements are but refuse to "knowing Christ." He had but one passion...and that was to "win the prize for which God has called me." What is your passion? What is the goal of your life? May Christ be the focus of our hearts, the consuming passion of our life, that in all things He will be magnified in our spiritual journey!
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-08-01
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