"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
January 30, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God; arise therefore, and build ye the sanctuary of the LORD God." 1 Chronicles 22:19
Whenever God leads or calls us to any task for Him, He will always equip us for the work. Whenever God has a great work to be done, He will raise up His instruments and qualify them for executing His will.
He called Moses to lead Israel out of the bondage of Egypt. He appointed Joseph to make proper preparations for the seven years of drought in Egypt. He transformed Paul when He was ready to gather to Himself a people from the Gentile nations. Whatever the task, God has His "man" at the right place, at the right time, to accomplish His will.
It is beyond our comprehension how God, through David, made preparation for the building of the Temple. Even the place where the Temple was built is significant. It was on Mt. Moriah where Abraham, under the direction of God, brought Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice to God, hundreds of years before.
The Temple was to be like no other structure in the world in magnificence, splendor, grandeur, and glory. The gold and silver David gathered from his own wealth and from other subjects was in millions upon millions. The stones they used were immense. David specified the choice wood to be used. The expense today would be impossible.
One of the most remarkable features in the building of this magnificent Temple was that all the wood and stones were prepared at a distance from the site, brought to the place, and made to fit perfectly. So perfect was the stone cutters' unerring skill, during the seven years it took to build the Temple, that when they assembled the materials into the building, they didn't have to use an axe or a hammer. So the whole structure was completed without the usual noise of iron tools (1 Kings 6:7).
When David was old, he made Solomon king over Israel and gathered together the Levites, who numbered 38,000 men ages 30 and older. Now let your mind wonder at the magnificence of this Temple. "David said, 24,000 are to supervise the work of the Temple of the Lord and 6,000 are to be officials and judges. 4,000 are to be gatekeepers and 4,000 are to praise the Lord with the musical instruments I have provided for that purpose!" Can you imagine the magnitude of such a magnificent Temple?
Then David gives this great gathering of men the "foundation" for their efforts and objectives. "Now devote your heart and soul to seeking your God." After everything is put into place for the building, David turns to Solomon and says, "Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind."
This charge was given before princes and great men gathered for this solemn occasion. Notice that David did not say, "Know the God of Israel," but "Know the God of thy father." He wanted Solomon to recognize the character of God in all His dealings with him, in mercy, grace, love, forgiveness, and longsuffering. Know Him in an intimate and endearing way. Seek Him as a friend, your portion, and your eternal great reward. Let Him be your God forever.
May David's challenge to Solomon be our challenge as we complete every task in the "temple" of His making.
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-01-30
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