"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
From time to time we become aware of special needs in the US and abroad that could benefit from our specific niches. As a result we have participated in special projects overseas when our literature can be effectively translated and adapted to other cultures.
Triumph Update Project This involves new editing, total redesign, and new title for our existing purity minibook, Triumph Over Temptation. Estimated design expenses$2200; cost of first printing of 20,000 minibooks: $6,000.
Project Poland LMI has arranged with an evangelical group of churches in Poland to produce Escape the Trap! in Polish. Christian men and boys will benefit from this full-color 36-page handbook dealing with sexual purity (see the English version here). The cost of redesigning from English into Polish plus printing the first 5000 copies will be $3900. The printing will be done in Poland through LMI's ministry partner there.
Boys’ Transforming Robots Project “Betrayed!” was published in the spring of 2009 with help from online donors. It was created to appeal to pre-teen and early teenage boys. It is our effort to help churches, church and children’s clubs, individuals, and parents reach boys at an age when they are the most open to the gospel. This project was done in conjunction with Comix35.
Project Brazil In 2008 and again in 2009 our Brazilian publishing partner--Interlink Missionary Agency--has made two selections from our publications. They have translated both into Portuguese and redesigned them for distribution in Brazil. 200,000 copies of our tract "If We Never Meet Again" have been published, and 50,000 copies of our "Escape the Trap!" sexual purity handbook are now in print. We're strong believers in leveraging our publications in this way overseas. Funds given for such projects enable LMI to donate the texts and design files, and offer unlimited logistical support to partners like Interlink. The English versions of these two publications can be found in our online store.
We have also donated quantities of Triumph Over Temptation booklets and tracts like Rush to Glory! (drag racing) to prison chaplains who can use them in discipleship and evangelism.
Not every planned project works out, but when a project moves from “possibility” to “reality,” we’ll post it here so our readers can review it and consider helping fund it.