"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
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Literature Evangelism
52 Reasons To Use Tracts
by Doug Salser
Any committed Christian can use tracts almost anywhere, almost anytime! Choose tracts carefully, making sure they feature God’s words from the Bible and have a clear, biblical explanation of salvation. If you’re making a conscious effort to grow in Christ and be led of the Holy Spirit, God will give you many opportunities to use tracts for sharing the gospel every weekand usually every dayif you’re willing!
A good reason to use a tract is because it...
- Offers a way for responsible Christians to share the gospel often and widely.
- Is so easy to give to another person with a smile and encouragement to read it.
- Explains the gospel clearly and simply so the reader can make a decision to trust Christ if he is at that point in his understanding and personal desire to believe.
- Goes anywhere with youwork, school, vacation, shopping, repair shop, eating out.
- Can accomplish its purpose anytimeday or night, winter or summer, good times or bad, “right now” or “later.”
- Can take advantage of a special event and activityelections, trick-or-treating, sports eventsby taking that interest and relating God’s truth to it.
- Injects spiritual truth through specialized gospel messages during seasonsChristmas, New Year’s, Easterwhen people are thinking about them.
- Loves to travelby person, by mail; it often gets read by more than one person!
- Can be adapted to many other formatsnewspapers, magazines, blogs, and emails.
- Costs very little, making it easy to purchase to give away.
- Is so affordable it can be used in quantity, multiplying your witnessing ops.
- Is portablefits in a pocket, purse, planner, laptop bag, car-door side-pocket.
- Addresses subjects that are current as well as topics that are timeless.
- Uses a variety of design formats and styles that give you choices and favorites.
- Fits into your normal routine of life, if you’re living a consistent Christian life.
- Gives God’s point of view about life and death issues.
- Gets its point across in an easy-to-read, brief format suited for a sound-bite, texting, email generation.
- Crosses educational hurdles and is available on various “grade” levels.
- Can communicate in languages you don’t speak.
- Spans age and gender differences.
- Doesn’t require a degree, special giftedness, training or experience to use.
- Never changes or compromises its message.
- Reaches across socio-economic barriers.
- May contain the only portion of God’s Word some people have ever read.
- Never argues or loses its temper, never gets tired or confrontational.
- Gives its message when the reader is ready to receive it.
- Continues to repeat its message as often as necessary.
- Bridges ethnic/cultural barriers.
- Can start a conversation.
- Reinforces what you say about the gospel in a conversation, talk or sermon.
- Gets its message across when no conversation is possiblein a letter, with a bill payment, or when you have only seconds with another person.
- Can address important subjects (when written by an expert) that you aren’t personally an expert on (science or pro-life issues, for example).
- Can even communicate to a non-reader who gets someone to read it to him.
- Generally adds its message to other factors from the reader’s past that may eventually lead that person to salvation.
- Retains its message so the recipient can re-read it many times, if desired.
- Can guide a person to trust Christ as Savior as he understands its message.
- Provides a point of reference for the reader to find spiritual help by contacting the publisher, church, individual or website listed on the back.
- Can be used in church neighborhood mailings and visitation.
- Can be reformatted and used with the tract publisher’s permission in newspaper ads, church community newsletters or community mailings at strategic timesChristmas, Easter, patriotic holidays, times of hardship or disaster.
- Can be adapted for the web (with permission) to get its message to people and places it could not or might not reach by paper and ink.
- Makes an appropriate presentation to give with Christmas cookies (or gifts) to neighbors each year. An excellent follow-through to give to all attenders of church choral programs at Christmas, Easter, and patriotic occasions.
- Fits easily into bill payment envelopes, sharing the gospel with people you’ll never reach otherwise...as long as you pay your bills on time!
- Can be given to servers at restaurants, parking valets, and bellmen after friendly interaction IF left with at least a 15% tip. Otherwise it probably won’t get read.
- Can be handed to anyone who has helped you at a store, checked you out at the register, given you product advice or directions to find an item...IF you exhibited a Christian attitude during that interaction.
- Can be taken overseas on short-term mission trips in the language of the country being visited.
- Can be used with youth and children's programs to make sure the gospel is clearly given and taken home for parents to get the message, too.
- Works well as a hand-out during special community outreach programs and eventslike VBS, fall festivals, Christmas and Easter presentations.
- Can be placed on a business counter or office credenza for people to pick up, in tract holders in public places, businesses, and high-traffic areas, and where people do lots of waiting.
- Can be included in disaster relief packages and Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets that are given to families in need.
- Can directly address certain false beliefs, cults, and religions, comparing those teachings to God’s truth from the Scriptures.
- Can be included with a Christmas card or annual letter for a clear gospel witness.
- Gives you the opportunity to share the gospel even in the briefest of personal encounterstoll takers, parking attendants, bus drivers, your doctor and his staff, taxi drivers. In our busy world you’ll see many people next week that you may never see again, yet thanks to your use of tracts many of them can learn about God’s offer of forgiveness and the gift eternal life!
Remember...when God wanted to reveal Himself, His will, and His plan for mankind, He chose printthe Bible! He will always use print as long as He continues to use His written Word. These reasons illustrate why a gospel tract is the best “portable pulpit” know to mankind!
Copyright 2009 • Literature Ministries International • PO Box 9028 • Greenville TX 75404
www.litmin.org • info@litmin.org • 903.883.5264
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