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May 6, 2025

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Possess Your Possessions

"See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers--to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob--and to their descendants after them." Deuteronomy 1:8

After the children of Israel were delivered out of slavery and bondage in Egypt, Moses sent 12 worthy men to spy out Canaan. They returned to Kadesh-Barnea after forty days and gave Moses their report. They were to go into Canaan and possess what God had provided for them. This was the moment of truth. Would they go in and possess their possessions or turn in unbelief and take refuge in the folly of their own choosing? They extended their short journey into 40 years of strife, bitterness, murmuring, grief, heartache, and an unfulfilled dream, wandering in the wilderness because of unbelief.

Remember, God brought them out of Egypt that He might bring them into Canaan. The wilderness wandering was not in God's plan for Israel. When they were fearful to enter Canaan, God had no other choice but to give them the desires of their heart, but He sent leanness of soul. The devastating consequences they encountered were the result of their choice. Have you ever stopped to realize how much heartache, misery, and frustration we bring upon ourselves because we shun God's way? We say, "No, Lord, this is what I want." And God lets us do it our way. To our dismay, we turn down His blessed companionship that we may feed upon the husks that are fed to the swine and the leeks and garlic of Egypt. You say, "How foolish!" But isn't this true in so many instances in our life? Doesn't it make you wonder how much of our life we spend doing our will, going our way, and sacrificing all the Lord has provided for us and wants to do through us? Too often we settle for second best.

Did you notice that God did not say, "You are to go in and conquer the enemy." Why do you think God said, "Go in and POSSESS the land." Because God had already conquered every enemy and overcome every circumstance that would hinder them from possessing what He was giving to them. All they had to do was possess their possessions. Claim what He already provided! Now apply this whole scenario to our lives today. Think through what Peter wrote in 2 Peter 1:3-4 : "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." God wants us to possess, claim, and appropriate what He has ALREADY PROVIDED for us. It reminds me of the man who received a letter saying he had inherited land in North Carolina from a relative. He didn't think it could be of much value and forgot about it for years. One day in his senior years, he decided to investigate his inheritance. To his bewilderment the land was a choice piece of property overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains with a beautiful rock home ideally situated. He exclaimed, "Oh, if I had only claimed what was given to me, how wonderful it would have been!" May we enter in and claim all that God has provided for us--the riches of His grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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