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September 25, 2025

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"For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

God has given us life and surrounded us with immeasurable blessings of His creation. We live in a country in which we have the liberty and freedom to conduct our lives any way we please, as long as we abide by the laws that protect us. Ask yourself..."Is the motive of ALL I do directed toward being all God wants me to be? Is Christ my PRIORITY? Not one of many priorities, but THE PRIORITY of my life. Are my efforts, time, energy, purpose, plans, and the whole of my life subject to His authority and sovereign lordship?

When Christ is THE PRIORITY, our daily walk will be centered first on Christ. You might say, "I have a job that requires much of my time. I have responsibilities in my church I'm committed to. I have civic duties and social involvements I am engaged in. I have a family to care for and activities I share with them. Many things consume my time."

There are two things you said that pinpoint your problem. Let's look at them closely. First are the words "many things." You must evaluate whether GOD wants you to be involved in ALL of "these things" that consume your life. All of these things may be perfectly right in themselves...BUT, not when they "take precedent" over what GOD wants you to do. Are they opportunities pursued by you to satisfy your ego, pride or your self interests? Are ALL these "things" HIS will for you to do?

Second, you mentioned that "many things consume MY TIME." Whoa! Who said the time GOD has given you by His grace is YOUR time? Do you merit this time? Did you earn this time? Do you deserve this time? I'm afraid we all have to answer with an honest NO! Every moment we have, we need to realize that it is TIME ENTRUSTED TO US. Time in which we are to be stewards as to HOW we use it.

It is a "gift from God" and we will be held responsible for how we invest our life in the time HE gives us. Certainly not to fill it with non-essentials that sap our energy, undermine our relationships, or strap us into the "mold of this world." Our problem lies when we subject ourselves to everything, everywhere, and then ask ourselves, "Where is the Lord in all of this?" The answer is...right where YOU left Him!

It is imperative to evaluate HOW and WHAT we commit ourselves to. Every opportunity" is NOT God's will for us to be involved in. We must know the mind of the Lord in these things. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL THESE THINGS shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).

God is concerned with our "peripheral endeavors." He wants us in the "center of His will" where all of the action is. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

HIS way is simple, yet profound. We make it difficult and confusing. Ask God for spiritual discernment for ALL of your endeavors so you will "have the mind of Christ." Dare to trust Him and persevere with unwavering faith in our Almighty God!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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