"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
February 9, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
As a Christian, it is of utmost importance to live "worthy of the Lord unto all." We never know how or who we influence through our life. A life that is anchored in the Word of God, whose roots are deeply planted in a faithful prayer life, whose heart is open to receive and respond to the Holy Spirit, whose life is motivated by the love of God, and whose walk reflects a life of praise and thanksgiving for all that God has done, will evidence the anointing of God's presence and power. God will use such a life to impact others as He lives through them.
God has placed you in a particular environment and circumstances, and has entrusted to you a ministry unto others. It is imperative that you have an ear to hear, a heart to receive, a spirit to respond to, and a life to live for the leading of the Holy Spirit. You are important to God. He has a specific ministry for you. He has given you a gift to be used for His glory. No one else can take your place in the plan and purpose God has for you. Paul said, "How then shall we live?"
Dr. V. Raymond Edman's booklet, "How They Were Won," tells how John Wesley left England to be a missionary to the Indians of Georgia. Wesley later wrote, "I sought to convert the Indians, although I had not been so converted, although an Anglican preacher." During a raging storm while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, he noticed a small group of Moravians calmly singing and praying, while others, including the ship's crew, were in dreadful fear. Conversation with the Moravians convinced him they steadfastly served the Lord in a manner wholly foreign to him. When John Wesley returned to England, he became a close friend of Peter Bohler, also a Moravian. Peter Bohler began to tell John Wesley of the deeper things of God and to instruct both John and his brother Charles Wesley in the Word of God, to which they had only an intellectual knowledge. Through the influence of Bohler's life and the teaching of the Word, both of them developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Little did Peter Bohler know how far his committed life and faithfulness to God would reach!
John Wesley's life reads like fiction. He preached over 52,000 times and rode on horseback over 200,000 miles, preaching the gospel in the hamlets of America. He became the instrument of God in one of the world's greatest revivals and founded the Methodist Church. He and Charles Wesley wrote over 1,000 hymns, such as "And Can It Be?" ... "O for a Thousand Tongues" ... "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" ... "Jesus Lover of My Soul" ... "Take Time to be Holy" ... "Soldiers of Christ Arise" ... and countless others. Lives of people around the world have been influenced through the ministry of John and Charles Wesley. It all started with the faithful witness of a few committed Moravians whose hearts were wholly given to the lordship of Christ and who lived under the sovereignty of God. Is your life an influence unto others of God's saving grace, of His infinite love and mercy, of His care and compassion for you each day? Make Him the Lord of your life!
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-02-09
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