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July 7, 2025

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If Ye Ask, That Will I Do

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it." John 14:13-14

Prayer is an exciting journey, an incredible experience, and a glorious adventure, in which we see the mighty hand of God manifesting His grace, wisdom, and power in and through our lives in things that are beyond our capability. When we go to prayer, into His very presence, we are laying bare our hearts before Almighty God. We are entrusting to Him all that we are, so He can make us all He wants us to be. We recognize our inability, but claim His ability. What is more exciting than launching out into uncharted waters by faith, and by prayer trusting Him for what we cannot do? We see Him intercede for us, go before us, make the crooked ways straight, do the miraculous, and then we stand in awe and marvel at WHAT HE HAS DONE!

Prayer is putting our faith in the Lord and envisioning what will be, because He has already charted our course and promised to direct our paths. It is the "secret time in His presence" in which we commit to God our will, our way, our all, for His control and direction of our life. When we take our hands off of our will, we yield to Him the freedom of full control, and eliminate any impediments that will hinder His access to the authority of our lives.

Let me ask you...WHAT is prayer in your life? Is it merely a function you perform, a tradition you follow because you are a Christian, or a custom you embrace because you have been taught you should pray? I think it is vital to our spiritual journey to understand and participate in true prayer...then make it the foundation of our walk with the Lord. To pursue with purpose, we need to prevail in prayer!

God invites us, "Come boldly to the throne of grace." Now, what is the throne of grace? It is the hallowed place WHERE GOD IS! He has provided, through His grace, the blessed opportunity to come into HIS VERY PRESENCE! Meditate on this blessed truth and let the Holy Spirit awaken your heart to all it means! Until you realize you have been given the inconceivable privilege of coming into His very presence through PRAYER, prayer will be only a spiritual exercise instead of a "vital encounter" with God. Alone with God...that's fathomless! It is beyond our comprehension.

True prayer releases the power of God in our lives. He is not bound by time, as to when He will answer, or how He will answer, or the manner in which He will answer. God said so clearly, "Call upon me and I will answer thee, and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not."

This is the result of true and vital prayer, when we commune with God, come before Him in confession and repentance, with pure hearts, and DARE TO BELIEVE that "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, through the power that works in us." Prayer moves the hand of God and accomplishes what we cannot. When we depend upon man, we get what man can do. When we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do! DARE TO TRUST!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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