"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
July 5, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"Call upon me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
This verse makes it very clear that God has a vast store of things that are beyond our comprehension. We have continual difficulty relating to God, because we reason within the walls of a finite mind, while He is infinite. We have difficulty seeing the present; He sees the whole picture. We seek to understand our difficult experiences; He knows all things and wants to be our sufficiency in them. We think we can handle our affairs in our strength; He wants to be the source of our strength. So what is our solution? We need to recognize our inability in the light of His all sufficiency. We need to turn from our tunnel vision faith and lift up our eyes to new horizons that God will give to us when we will "DARE TO TRUST." We need to turn from the self-imposed walls that restrict and bind us in devastating bondage, and let Christ enlarge the boundaries of our life with His presence and power. Oh, that we might cast ourselves in all of our limitations on the greatness of His might and the sufficiency of His grace.
God says, "Call upon me." Why? Because He realizes how greatly we need Him, how limited we are within ourselves. He desires to bless us, but He wants us to seek Him, to lean on Him, to trust Him, and to call on Him. And what happens when we lift up our hearts and call on Him? A very positive result: I WILL ANSWER YOU! There is no question as to His action in response to our calling on Him.
But what will He do? Here is where His grace takes over and love again is manifested to those who call on Him. "I will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not!" God is ready to take us into His storehouse of riches; into the vast areas of blessing that we have no knowledge of, and give us those things that will enrich and grow our lives and will magnify His name. Those things are beyond the boundaries of our gifts and abilities. They take us into another level of His presence, intimacy, and blessing.
These "things" He speaks of are "great and mighty." This is a sequel to Ephesians 3:20: "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." Each small phrase seems to build again and again on what He is able to do. We say, "Wow! That's tremendous! I wish I could experience that in my life." Do you know what? YOU CAN! These promises are given to those who belong to Him, but so many promises go unclaimed because we do not avail ourselves of them. We must appropriate what He has given to us...by FAITH. Make these promises a reality in practical everyday living.
How does God qualify His provision in this promise? God says, "Call upon Me." How will He respond? "I will answer thee." And what will He do? "I will show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!" Oh, that we might hunger and thirst for those things in His provision that are great, mighty, blessed, eternal, and infinite, and that will enrich our lives. But more importantly, that will glorify Him! They are ours to appropriate and make a reality in our lives!
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-07-05
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