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June 19, 2025

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Now I Know

"Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel." 2 Kings 5:15

Can you imagine the excitement that was taking place on those muddy banks of Jordan? Naaman, weeping with joy, exclaimed over and over, "I am healed: glory to the God of Israel. He is the only and true God. Him will I worship!" His entourage of soldiers joined him in shouts of praise and thanksgiving. The once proud general and "idol" of the people has had a radical change in his life physically and spiritually.

I'm sure Naaman turned to his men, not in the boisterous command of a General, but in the tenderness of a "broken man" before an Almighty God who had gloriously delivered him, and could have said, To every doubting, self-righteous, unbelieving man, behold, "NOW I KNOW there is no God in all the world except in Israel!" Then he cries out, "Back to Jericho to Elisha's house." Naaman is seated where all can see him, as if to say, "Read in my countenance, look at the soundness of my flesh, listen to the cheerfulness of my voice, and join with me in the rejoicing of my spirit. Jehovah is merciful, long-suffering, gracious, and plenteous in goodness and truth. He is the God of Israel, and to Him I bow!" His entourage is not "plodding along" in mute silence, but is now a "triumphant rejoicing procession" with shouts of praise to Jehovah! Why? Because an undeserving, wretched man came in all his desperate need, AS HE WAS, took God at His word, and DARED TO TRUST!

What do you think Naaman's reply would have been if someone had asked him, "You really don't believe in a personal relationship with God, do you? Are you going to be so narrow-minded? Is this what you believe?"

I think Naaman very humbly would have said, "I was a leper; now I am healed. I was ill tempered; now I have the peace of God. I sought the glory and praise of men; now I seek to glorify Jehovah, my God. I deserved nothing but God's wrath and judgment; now He has made me a new creature because of His love and grace. You can say anything you want, my friend, BECAUSE I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED, and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day!" NAAMAN HAD MET GOD! Listen to Naaman's words in Verse 17: "For your servant will never again make burnt offerings and sacrifices to any other god but the Lord." What a miraculous transformation! He was a "miracle" of the wonderful grace of God!

God is the same today, and can so work in all of our lives, if we will but take Him at His word and believe. Oh, that we might ask God to do a new thing for us today, that the song of the Lord might ring forth from our lives in triumphant sounds of praise! I challenge you: DARE TO BELIEVE! God is still on the throne and is sovereign over all the earth...and HE LOVES YOU!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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