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June 5, 2025

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Being in the Way

"Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham. who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren." Genesis 24:27

It is amazing to me, when I read God's Word, to see how He directs attention and concern to the most trivial things with minute exactness. This whole chapter reveals the desire, preparation, seeking, and consummation of Abraham obtaining a bride for his son Isaac. Nothing is unimportant in God's eyes if it illustrates the operation of His grace or reveals His faithfulness in the lives of His own.

Abraham could not endure the thought of his son seeking a bride by mingling with the Canaanites, who would likely draw him aside from the worship of the true God. So Abraham commissions his servant of 60 years, Eleazar, to go to the country where his father's relatives live, and to find a suitable bride for Isaac. This was quite a responsibility for Eleazar, who said to Abraham, "What if the one I choose is unwilling to return with me?" But Abraham's faith would not even consider such a possibility. God would overrule in such a situation. "The Lord God of heaven, he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence." God will intercede and will provide! Then Abraham imposed an oath upon Eleazar and bound him by the most solemn obligations to execute his commission with utmost fidelity and care.

Eleazar, a faithful servant, acting with great prudence and without any direction from Abraham, takes evidence of his master's wealth to verify his credibility. He takes ten camels richly loaded with gifts and the proper number of attendants. He asks God to show him the woman to be Isaac's bride by having her, of her own accord, offer water to his camels after he would ask her for a drink for himself from her pitcher. As he approached the well in the far country, he found beautiful Rebekah and asked for a drink from her pitcher. Afterward, she offers to water his camels! To the whole of this blessed event, Eleazar says, "I being in the way, the Lord led me to my master's brethren." God had specifically led him to His chosen bride for Isaac. Amazing are the ways of God when we get out of the way, detached from imposing the way of our choosing, and let God be God. "My ways are not our ways, neither are My thoughts our thoughts, saith he Lord."

But the secret of Eleazar was...he was "in the way." WHAT WAY? He was "in the way" of humble submission to the will of God, not bent on his own method or plan to find a bride for Isaac. He was "in the way" of PRAYER having communicated with God to lead and provide. He was "in the way" of OBEDIENCE to his master Abraham in a bond of fidelity. He was "in the way" with a PURE HEART that was receptive and responsive to God's leading. And God provided Rebekah. Are you "IN THE WAY" of God's will?

When we are "in the way" of God's will, He will direct our steps, lead us in the path of life, and enlarge the boundaries of our lives. We will be as a stone thrown in a placid lake, where its rippling effects go on and on, encompassing more and more for His glory!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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