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October 21, 2025

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"I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren." Genesis 24:27

Several years ago I had the privilege of making a business trip to India. We worked in New Delhi and a few remote villages nearby. I visited the Taj Mahal and was amazed at such a magnificent shrine. As we traveled, I was appalled at the extreme poverty that was everywhere.

We stopped at a small hand-made rug factory. It was fascinating to see beautiful rugs being made by hand with exquisite colors and intricate designs. Even more amazing was to see that much of the work was being done by children and young people. Their nimble fingers were needed to insert and pull the threads of yarn in and out of the designated pattern. Mixing colored yarn so often in a complexity of patterns and working from the bottom side, I wondered how anything of beauty could possibly emerge.

I then realized, there was a "master designer" who mapped out every thread, every color, every phase of the pattern, and every tedious movement. When the rug was complete, it was turned right side up, and was amazingly beautiful. It was interesting to notice the impression the dark threads made in the over-all design. They served as the background to magnify and enhance the beauty of the lighter colors. The design was a work of art and magnificently portrayed. I thought of all the work and planning that had gone into this extremely beautiful rug, and how these young people persevered to accomplish such a difficult task.

Could this be how God works in our lives? He has a plan and purpose for our lives, designed before the foundation of the world. There are cords of various colors, some dark and others bright and beautiful. Each day additional colors are added, and a different design suddenly takes place. We wonder at the wisdom and complexity of it all. But then, as we follow the will of the "Master Designer," the purpose of each intricate movement finds completion in the beauty of His design. God works from the "inside" to finalize a pattern of beauty on the outside.

It requires the culture of spiritual discipline to see God in every detail of our life. Never let your attitude be that the insignificant happenings in our lives are anything less than His hand weaving in the small details of His design. The dark colors are mixed with the brighter so they will enhance the beauty of our life. How exciting to see the "unexpected realities" of His doing. When we see God in the "simple things"...we will discover His designs everywhere. Someone has wisely said, "See God in everything, and God will color all that you see." Looking back, we can see an amazing design God has interwoven into our lives. So many things that have happened, that our conclusion is "Only God could have done that!" His ways are past finding out.

It is imperative for us to have a humble and submissive spirit, so He can weave the colors and design of His choosing that will glorify Him. Those who joyfully leave everything in God's hand, will eventually see God's hand in everything. God's ways may be unsearchable, but His grace is unfailing. May we be receptive to His plan and submissive to His leading. When the work is complete...done according to His divine will be eternally glorifying to His name.

"An amazing design" the ONE who loved us and gave Himself for us. To Him be the glory!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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