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September 8, 2025

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"Create in me a clean heart, O God." Psalm 51:10

Why do we need the clamor of confusion, the disarming noise of nonsense, or the frustration of futility, to dull our inner longing for serenity and quietness? Our inner spirit yearns for the still waters of contentment, the quietness of tranquility, and a heart longing to escape the frustration on every side. Why do we find it so difficult to disassociate ourselves from this den of distress and make ourselves available to the invasion of His Spirit to "be still and know that I am God?"

David experienced this many times...encumbered by being pursued, surrounded by his enemies and those who were seeking to discourage, defeat, and destroy him. But he knew ONE who was able to create within his own heart an "inner stillness" attuned to the voice from above...that transcended all the clamor and determined efforts of the world. It was in this "solitude of stillness" that David was able to appropriate the power of God to overcome the discords of his circumstances.

We make great effort and engage in continual conversation to convey to others an affront that seeks to impress and inform. In reality, we are trying to convince others of something we are not. God sees not the clamor of our affront, but the "voice of our heart." Our heart speaks without a word...conveys the motive of our actions...and relates to God the true meaning of our relationship to Him.

It's so important to have a heart that's clean--free from the contamination of worldly influence and the control of self--and a pure spirit (one that is receptive and responsive to the Holy Spirit without impediments). The way of our walk and the life we live often speak so loud that people cannot hear what we say. How important it is that the truth and principles of His Word embrace "all of our life," and His love is freely conveyed to others in our daily walk.

The "words of our heart" are heard by the Spirit of God. In the quietness of His presence He can convey the way He wants us to conduct our life. When our lives are so engaged with all the noise and distractions of the world around us we cannot hear God speak to us. We need to be "quiet" before God, and let Him speak to our hearts.

Is it any wonder that so few know God in the "intimacy" of His presence and the "inner peace" of His love? Satan infiltrates our lives in subtle deceiving ways that obscures our vision, hinders our focus, and disarms our weapons of warfare.

We need to be quiet in His presence so we may hear the "words of HIS heart." He will reveal the direction of His will, and create within us a heart bent upon being all He wants us to be. To find this "secret place of His tabernacle," is to find "where He dwells." He seeks us to join Him there.

Abiding in Him, drawing from the fountain of living water, being refreshed and renewed in the inner man by the Holy to let Him fill the whole of our personality by the fullness of the Holy Spirit with the adequacy of Christ. It is here that the "words of our heart" will be established and find true meaning, expressed in a practical daily walk. The world is looking for the believer whose faith is applied to the "whole of his life"...because his heart has responded to the "words of God's heart" to him.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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