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April 14, 2025

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We Have This Ministry

"Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not." 2 Corinthians 4:1

Our commitment to God is in direct proportion to our concept of the majesty of God. Our concept of the majesty of God is in direct proportion to how receptive and responsive we are to the Holy Spirit. You say, "How can that be?" Let's look into our lives and see how God has worked.

It was the Holy Spirit that awakened us to our sinful state before a holy God. Our sin had separated us from God, and the Holy Spirit revealed to us God's only provision for reconciliation, Jesus Christ, our Savior. As we were receptive to His probing and responsive to His revelation of this truth, we confessed and repented of our sin and He made us a new creation in Christ.

Being God's child, He desires to bring our lives into conformity to His will, so that we may glorify Him in our life and know the joy, peace, and power of God in our spiritual journey. By the Holy Spirit, He begins to reveal WHO GOD IS, His holiness, His righteousness, His justice, His love, His grace, and His mercy.

As we are receptive to the Holy Spirit, we respond in the surrender of our will to His authority and sovereignty that leads to our commitment and dedication of heart and life to Christ. It is in this process that the Holy Spirit gives unto us a continuing, increasing measure, a CONCEPT OF THE MAJESTY OF GOD.

Paul is saying, "The Holy Spirit having revealed to me in a most convincing manner God's tender mercies and grace, I am constrained by the love of God to this ministry He has committed to us. We faint not."

But you say, "What ministry has God committed to me?" Only you can answer that. He has a ministry for you.

One of the most blessed and needful ministries that comes to my mind, and one in which you can be wonderfully used, is TO BE AN ENCOURAGER. One who is willing to come alongside of someone else and assure him that you care and want to share the great need in his life and be compassionate.

That means literally "to suffer with"--sharing in the suffering of another. This means so much more than a mere sympathetic word or a show of pity. You identify with the person whose heart is broken, whose body is wracked with pain, whose hope is seemingly lost, where tragedy has struck and the person knows not where to turn or what to do.

Compassion extends a loving heart and holds back the quick, eager explanations we are so prone to offer. Rather, it means opening yourself up to another's pain and hurt, and sharing their tears of sorrow or quiet sadness. People on every side are in devastating need; they long for someone to be an encouragement to them, to manifest the love of God to them.

Such a ministry can be yours! Paul said, "Seeing we have this ministry, because we have been the recipients of the abounding mercy and grace of God, WE FAINT NOT." We will not fail or shrink from the ministry God has given to us. YOU CAN BE AN ENCOURAGER, ONE WHO WILL COME ALONGSIDE OTHERS IN THEIR GREAT NEED! "For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee" (Isaiah 41:13).

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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