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January 1, 2023

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Go Down to the Sea

"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24

Have you ever ventured into a task, exercised faith and confidence in God, and when it was all over, you humbly said, "Only God could have done that!" It was a thrill to see God do what you could not do. Then you wonder, "Why don't I trust Him that way more often?"

We confine ourselves when we live within the boundaries of our own reasoning, gifts, and abilities and in "the shallow waters" within the safety and security of land. God wants us to focus our expectations on things that are beyond our capabilities, that will stretch our faith and deepen our prayer life, and to live in the daily expectation of seeing "the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." He wants us to launch out into deep, uncharted waters, where faith is our watchword.

God promises an exciting life of faith for those of us who "dare to believe" and are willing to cut the "shore lines" that bind our freedom and confine our liberty. Those who set their sails into the deep waters of the unknown will see His mighty power going before, making the crooked ways straight, parting the sea, and removing the mountains. This is the excitement of a life of faith, daring to launch out into the deep encounters of life with unwavering confidence in the Faithful One. Such ventures reveal our spiritual integrity, test our commitment, and require from us a determined perseverance with complete trust in the Lord. But how glorious the results! Our faith is renewed, our lives become grounded in the Word, and we grow in grace and knowledge of Him. Are you "seeing the works of the Lord" in your life? Are you moved by the wonders of His mighty power in the encounters you face?

The curse of the world and the carnal believer is SELF. The aim of Christianity is to put Christ where man puts self. His rightful place is on the throne of our hearts as the Lord of our life. "Things" are the "shore lines" that hinder us from discovering the wonders of the deep that can be ours. They hinder us from surrendering to Him the command of our little ship, letting Him determine the way and chart the course we are to take. Read Luke 5:4-11, where Christ told Peter to "launch out into the deep" that he might catch many fish. When Peter obeyed, many fish were caught. "Henceforth you shall catch men. And when they brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed him." What happened in the lives of Peter, James, and John through this encounter with the Lord? They saw the Lord in a new dimension.

They knew Him as a great teacher, a master communicator, possibly the "one sent from God," but now they saw Him as the LORD OF THEIR LIFE! When we give Him our all, He gives us His all. We will then "do business in great waters, and see his wonders in the deep!" What an exciting venture of faith, seeing God work in and through our lives in ways beyond all we can ask or think! What a challenge! Dare to believe!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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