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MAY: The Gospel of Jesus Christ

May 18


…no man knoweth the Son, but the Father.
Matthew 11:27

Our Lord claims that He is in a unique relationship to God in the matter of His knowledge of God. “No man,” He says, “knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son.” In other words, He looked at these people and said, “You see Me, but you do not really know Me. The only one who really knows Me is God, and I am the one, the only one, who really knows God. You pray, you speak to God, but you do not know God as I do.” Nobody “hath seen God at any time,” nor seen His shape. But Christ said that He had seen Him, and He claimed, as the Jews realized, an equality with God the Father. He put Himself side by side with God. Occasionally He withdrew the veil and gave a glimpse of that eternal, mystical relationship between the Father and Himself, and He claimed that He was in such an intimate relationship with God that all men were outside it. Here He is, the carpenter of Nazareth, and yet that is what He claims.

He stands there and tells these people, “Do you know that the whole of this world, the whole of time, the whole of history—heaven and earth and hell and all things—have been handed over to Me by God the Father?” That is His claim: a unique sonship, a unique relationship to God, and a unique relationship to this world. He stands there and says quietly that the whole world is in His hands. Never has the world seen or heard anyone who has claimed so much. Who is He, this babe of Bethlehem, this boy of Nazareth, this carpenter, this artisan, who claims that He is indeed the Son of God?

A Thought to Ponder
Christ claims a unique sonship, a unique relationship to God, and a unique relationship to this world.

From The Heart of the Gospel, pp. 135-136.

Today’s devo is taken from Walking with God Day by Day © 2003 by Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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